On 07/29/2010 05:14 PM, Stephen Warren wrote:
> On 07/29/2010 02:35 PM, Phil Dibowitz wrote:
>> All,
>> As I'm starting to code up 89x support I realize I'm likely going to have to
>> make more significant breakages to the API than the 700 made...
>> So my plan at this point is to prep an 0.22 release, and get that out,
>> hopefully this weekend, and then make a branch in CVS to start working on
>> the zwave remotes.
>> Things left:
>>     * I have some cleanups to the concordance output still pending
>>     * Cleanup the Changelog
>>     * Update the so-numbers appropriately for libconcord
>>     * Usual release stuff: version number changes, cvs tag, etc.
>> Anyone object to this plan (Stephen, since you release software that depends
>> on libconcord, I'm looking at you)?
> That sounds fine to me; I just have to bump a rev number and create a
> tar once you've released. Actually, I could even release a compatible
> version first:-)

Oh, perhaps we should add a note in the libconcord README re: needing a 
kernel patch to get the 700 working?

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