On Fri, Feb 04, 2011 at 06:48:43PM +0100, Nawak wrote:
>   Hi everybody,
> I really would have liked to start my message with congratulations and 
> all, but alas I can't even use the software! :)
> I have downloaded concordance from the project's page but it doesn't 
> contain windows binaries.
> As binary compatibility is problematic under Linux, I understand why 
> people distribute their software in source forms.
> But usually binary compatibility is very good in windows, so I would 
> have expected to find windows binaries somewhere.
> Did I miss them? If not, providing them would be greatly appreciated, 
> because compilers are not so ubiquitous in the windows world, and 
> expecting every user to download, install and correctly use Visual 
> Studio is a bit harsh!
> Is there a technical reason for not providing the binaries?

Hi. Thanks for the feedback.

I don't have Windows is the main reason there are no Windows binaries. :)

That said, most people who would not feel comfortable downloading VS probably
also don't feel comfortable using command-line software in Windows either.
Although congruity, the python GUI that Stephen maintains, I believe works on
Windows, but again, you'd have to have python installed and a handful of
libraries, which I don't expect is all that common.

There's the additional problem that if the binaries come from someone who is
not Stephen or I, it's hard to know what's in that binary. I wouldn't mind
pointing to a random binary, but I wouldn't want to make it an official
download unless I was familiar with the person who built it.

So that's a summary of the reasons both technical and otherwise. Input,
suggestions, comments, feedback, are all welcome.

Sadly, there are a variety of free, public build-systems out there for Linux,
but none for Windows. I've been looking. If I find one, I'll gladly build and
distribute Windows binaries (and be able to keep the Windows code more

Phil Dibowitz                             p...@ipom.com
Open Source software and tech docs        Insanity Palace of Metallica
http://www.phildev.net/                   http://www.ipom.com/

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 and those who matter don't mind."
 - Dr. Seuss

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