Dear Phil,

Where would I get the CVS branch to which you refer?  Please excuse my 
stupidity.. lol

Here's the error, I did find it after scrolling UP on VS C++ 6, funny how it 
denotes that there is an error on the window *after* the error code, rather 
than before.. hence my not noticing it before (as it was counter-intuitive, or 
again, maybe I'm just getting dumb these days):

--------------------Configuration: concordance - Win32 Debug--------------------
LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file "./Debug/libconcord.lib"
Error executing link.exe.
concordance.exe - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s) thinking is, for VS C++ 6, we are told to open this file to build the 
program: concordance-0.23\win\concordance.dsw

Given the error above, you would think that C++ is trying to locate this: 

..which does NOT exist.  This link, however, does exist in the file structure: 
concordance-0.23\concordance\win\Debug ... but there is NO "libcondord.lib" 
file present.

Or am I missing something entirely, like having that libconcord.lib from 
another source?  The file does say this (but doesn't say where 
to put it or what to do with it):

==== NOTES ====
1) If you want to use this version of the library, you'll also need the libusb
development package (

So, what packages do I need to have together, and where, to make Condorance 
work, and with a GUI?  This is my first time doing this, so please bear with me 


----- Original Message -----
From: Phil Dibowitz <>
To: Rob G. <>;
Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2011 4:08 PM
Subject: Re: [concordance-devel] Harmony 900 remotes

On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 05:07:26PM -0700, Rob G. wrote:
> Hi,

> Although I'm not a developer, I tried building Concordance with VS/C++ on my
> Windows 7 x64 box and got an error (I'm not a developer, so this is quite a
> chore for me).
> In picking through the different libraries, options, etc., I'm overwhelmed! 
> I'm a geek, but coding isn't my cuppa tea.

If you post the error, some of the guys that made it work on Windows can
probably point you in the right direction... also, are you building from the
900-support branch in CVS, or the latest release version?

>   My understanding is that you are now testing Harmony 900 remotes with an
> additional package/library, so if there is a way that I can help in return,
> please let me know! I'd be more than happy to help in any way I can (report
> bugs, etc.).

See the list archives -there's a CVS branch with 900 support... I'm trying to
get SOMEONE to verify it works before I release.

Phil Dibowitz                  
Open Source software and tech docs        Insanity Palace of Metallica        

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