Hi Scott,

Seems I forgot to test something. Could you remind me what I need to test
exactly ?


2014-12-01 1:58 GMT+01:00 Scott Talbert <s...@techie.net>:

> Hi Cedric,
> It has been quite a while.  Any chance you will ever have time to try my
> latest Harmony Touch fixes?
> Sadly, I think it is getting close to a year since we started working on
> this.  :-)
> Scott
> On Fri, 25 Jul 2014, Cédric de Launois wrote:
>  Hi Scott,
>> Thanks again for your work. FYI, since a couple of months, the logitech sw
>> is no longer running inside a browser. It is now a standard .Net
>> application. In order to capture the HTTP traffic using fiddler, I had to
>> switch back to the 'online' application running within the browser. I had
>> to
>> search a bit to retrieve its url because Logitech is apparently not
>> willing
>> to maintain it any longer. I expect Logitech will say in the future that
>> this mode is no longer supported.
>> This may explain the difference you saw in the request.
>> Regarding the missing PNG, it is most probably because I forgot to change
>> again the background image of the remote. This background is indeed not
>> affected when I remove all devices and activities.
>> I'll give a try to your changes.
>> Thanks!
>> Cedric
>> 2014-07-24 5:48 GMT+02:00 Scott Talbert <s...@techie.net>:
>>       OK, I pushed some new fixes for Touch synching.  Hopefully this
>>       may get us there?  :-)  I am able to match the Wireshark capture
>>       100% except it looked like one of the requests had changed - did
>>       you change your account since the capture?  Also, in the July 6
>>       capture, there were some requests for PNG files - in the July 21
>>       capture there were not any.  I added code to handle this, but I
>>       wasn't able to verify it matches the official sw. I think these
>>       PNGs might have to do with favorite channel settings?  They
>>       might be logos for the channels, I think.  Anyway, please give
>>       it another try when you get a chance, as always with Wireshark
>>       captures, log files, etc.  :-)
>>       Thanks,
>>       Scott
>>       On Wed, 23 Jul 2014, Cédric de Launois wrote:
>>             Great !Regarding the language, fr-BE indeed probably
>>             comes from the IE
>>             browser that I use in my Windows VM. It is
>>             configured to use only fr-BE.
>>             FYI, there is almost no difference between fr-FR and
>>             fr-BE.
>>             Using the logitech account language is probably the
>>             right choice. I'll never
>>             notice the difference anyway.
>>             2014-07-22 21:31 GMT+02:00 Scott Talbert
>>             <s...@techie.net>:
>>                   Thanks!  I did make some progress last night
>>             thanks to your
>>                   Fiddler capture.  It turns out the web server
>>             was wanting me to
>>                   set a language header, so I am able to get a
>>             response for that
>>                   request now.  I just need to figure out where
>>             to get the
>>                   language from.  It looks like your Logitech
>>             account is setup for
>>                   fr-FR, but the MH software seems to be
>>             requesting fr-BE.  Maybe
>>                   that is coming from your web browser.  The
>>             language probably
>>                   doesn't matter - it just wants one to be set,
>>             so I'm probably
>>                   fine with just using the one your Logitech
>>             account is setup for.
>>                   So, I'm making progress again... :-)
>>                   On Tue, 22 Jul 2014, Cédric de Launois wrote:
>>                         Scott,
>>                         A hint for you : I received two protocol
>>             violations
>>                         warnings from fiddler.
>>                         Unfortunately I didn't check at that
>>             time what
>>                         happened exactly.
>>                         I remember however it was related to
>>             request #178
>>                         (in my trace) and another
>>                         one nearby. I guess the logitech
>>             software was making
>>                         an HTTP GET with a
>>                         body. Unfortunately, I don't see this
>>             when reloading
>>                         the trace I gave you.
>>                         Maybe it was dropped by fiddler ? Maybe
>>             it is the
>>                         magic key to make it
>>                         work...
>>                         Unfortunaly, as this is SSL, I can't
>>             trace this
>>                         HTTPS traffic using
>>                         wireshark on my linux host :-(
>>                         Regards,
>>                         Cedric
>>                         2014-07-21 23:32 GMT+02:00 Scott Talbert
>>                         <s...@techie.net>:
>>                               Received, thanks!  I'll run it
>>             through my
>>                         analysis process as
>>                               soon as possible.
>>                               On Mon, 21 Jul 2014, Cédric de
>>             Launois wrote:
>>                                     New fiddler & usb captures
>>             sent ;-)
>>                                     2014-07-21 21:50 GMT+02:00
>>             Scott Talbert
>>                                     <s...@techie.net>:
>>                                           I hate to say it, but
>>             yeah,
>>                         probably best if
>>                                     you remove
>>                                           everything and re-add
>>             it.  Either
>>                         that, or be
>>                                     prepared for me to
>>                                           come back and as for
>>             another
>>                         capture when I
>>                                     can't find a problem
>>                                           with just the partial
>>             update. :-)
>>                                           On Mon, 21 Jul 2014,
>>             Cédric de
>>                         Launois wrote:
>>                                                 > I was hoping
>>             that I could
>>                         use a Smart
>>                                     Control to
>>                                                 debug the sync
>>             process
>>                                                 (would be way
>>             easier to have
>>                         the
>>                                     hardware on hand),
>>                                                 but
>>             unfortunately it
>>                                                 does not do the
>>             sync over
>>                         USB like the
>>                                     Touch does.
>>                                                 Yeah, I read
>>             that ;-)
>>                                                 For the Fiddler
>>             capture, do
>>                         I still need
>>                                     to remove
>>                                                 all my
>>             devices/activities, or just
>>                         a simple
>>                                     update would
>>                                                 suffice ?
>>                                                 2014-07-21 19:26
>>             GMT+02:00
>>                         Scott Talbert
>>             <s...@techie.net>:
>>                                                       Hi Cedric,
>>                                                       Well, I
>>             did find some
>>                         more issues
>>                                     with the
>>                                                 time zone
>>             handling
>>                                                       that I was
>>             doing - the
>>                         existing
>>                                     implementation
>>                                                 did not handle
>>                                                       DST
>>             correctly.
>>                         However, I kind of
>>                                     doubt this
>>                                                 was causing the
>>                                                       sync
>>             operation to
>>                         fail.
>>                                                       After
>>             resolving that,
>>                         I was able
>>                                     to get the
>>                                                 MHGUI sync to
>>             match
>>                                                       the
>>             official 100% for
>>                         the first
>>                                     few
>>                                                 operations.
>>              After that, I
>>                                                       ran into
>>             an issue
>>                         where I'm
>>                                     getting a
>>                                                 "malformed
>>             request" error
>>                                                       when
>>             talking to the
>>                         web service.
>>                                      I can't for
>>                                                 the life of me
>>                                                       figure out
>>             what is
>>                         wrong (it
>>                                     appears similar
>>                                                 to the last
>>             Fiddler
>>                                                       capture
>>             you provided,
>>                         but that was
>>                                     last year,
>>                                                 I think).  Thus,
>>             unfortunately, I think
>>                         I'm going
>>                                     to need
>>                                                 another Fiddler
>>             capture
>>                                                       of a sync.
>>              (Which I
>>                         think
>>                                     unfortunately means
>>                                                 you're going to
>>                                                       have to
>>             make changes
>>                         to your
>>                                     account, which
>>                                                 means the
>>             existing
>>                                                       Wireshark
>>             capture is
>>                         going to be
>>                                     invalidated
>>                                                 too, so I'm
>>             going
>>                                                       to need
>>             another one of
>>                         those.)
>>                                                       I was
>>             hoping that I
>>                         could use a
>>                                     Smart Control
>>                                                 to debug the
>>             sync
>>                                                       process
>>             (would be way
>>                         easier to
>>                                     have the
>>                                                 hardware on
>>             hand), but
>>             unfortunately it does
>>                         not do the
>>                                     sync over USB
>>                                                 like the Touch
>>                                                       does.
>>                                                       Scott
>>                                                       On Mon, 21
>>             Jul 2014,
>>                         Cédric de
>>                                     Launois wrote:
>>                                                             Any
>>             news about
>>                         my latest
>>                                     capture ? Is
>>                                                 there anything
>>                                                             I
>>             can do ?
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