On 04/13/2015 08:44 PM, Scott Talbert wrote:
> On Tue, 7 Apr 2015, Phil Dibowitz wrote:
>>> As always, thanks for the great software!
>> I can't crosscompile libzip because it doesn't like the zlib static library
>> from the DLL download. It compiles file, but the linking step fails:
>> /tmp/buildroot/lib/libzdll.a: error adding symbols: File in wrong format
>> I went back to version 1.2.7 of zlib and that didn't change anything, 'file'
>> reports both as 'current ar archive'. I also, for giggles tried 11.1 of 
>> libzip.
>> I give up for the night.
>> Scott if you wanna throw a windows binary my way I'll throw it in SF. If you
>> have ideas on wtf is going on, I'm all ears.
> Here's a Windows binary:
> http://www.techie.net/~talbert/concordance-1.2-installer.exe

Uploaded to sourceforge. Sorry for the delay, was out of town.

Phil Dibowitz                             p...@ipom.com
Open Source software and tech docs        Insanity Palace of Metallica
http://www.phildev.net/                   http://www.ipom.com/

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter
 and those who matter don't mind."
 - Dr. Seuss

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