On Thu, 14 Jun 2018, Chris Mayo wrote:

Installing for Python 2.7 fails for me with:

  File "setup.py", line 31, in initialize_options
 TypeError: super() takes at least 1 argument (0 given)

Python 2 super() requires a type argument and only works for new-style
classes, which setuptools.command.install.install is not.

Oops.  I obviously did not test the (new) setup.py on Python 2.  My bad.

My fix here:


--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -28,11 +28,11 @@

    def initialize_options(self):
-        super().initialize_options()
+        setuptools.command.install.install.initialize_options(self)
        self.skip_update_desktop_db = None

    def run(self):
-        super().run()
+        setuptools.command.install.install.run(self)
        if not self.skip_update_desktop_db:
            os.system('update-desktop-database >/dev/null 2>&1')

Appears to work with Python 3.6 also.

Thanks for the fix, I'll roll it into a new release as this seems important enough. And thanks SourceForge for the lack of notification about your pull request. :P I see that it was several days ago.


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