Title: Message
Bruce Allen Murphy's biography "Wild Bill" (Random House, 2003) traces the moves and influence of other justices, primarily Brennan, that resulted in Douglas casting the decision the way he did (at pp. 384-388), which "simultaneously made Douglas both the icon of the liberals and the devil incarnate to generations of conservatives."  p. 388
-----Original Message-----
From: Discussion list for con law professors [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gilbert, Lauren
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2003 9:10 AM
Subject: Teaching Griswold -- Why Douglas' decision was the majority decis ion

Could anyone refer me to a good resource or insights for teaching Griswold v. Connecticut?  I'm particularly interested in teaching materials that will help the class better understand why Douglas' decision was the majority decision, in light of the multiple concurring decisions, including Justice Goldberg's decision in which the Chief Justice and Justice Brennan joined. 
I've been through most of my texts.  Unfortunately, most of the older law reviews discussing Griswold are no longer on line. 
Lauren Gilbert
Assistant Professor of Law
St. Thomas University School of Law

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