Dear All:
     With the permission of our esteemed moderator, I would like to make the following request of you.  The University of Maryland apparently sends the most students to law schools of any university in the country (I try, but there is obly so much I can do).  Students frequently come to me with questions about particular law schools that I either cannot answer or often give fairly out of date answers.  So, with the help of all of you, I thought I would create a file for them to peruse.  If you have a little time, could you send me (privately) a paragraph or two explaining what is distinctive about your law school.  In particular,
a. why is your school different from other schools in the area (i.e., Georgetown v. GW)?
b. why is your school different from other schools similarly ranked (i.e. NYU v. Columbia).
Any help would be appreciated/  And I will be glad to share this with all undergraduate conlaw profs on the list.
Please reply to Mark A. Graber at [EMAIL PROTECTED].
Oh, and many male students ask this all the time.  Who has a good sports law program?
Mark A. Graber

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