Was the child not yet born at the time of the misrepresentations, or also
at the time of the lawsuit? If it's just the former, it's not much
different from the fairly common type of lawsuit where children sue
doctors for malpractice that occurred when the child was still a fetus in
the womb (I'm assuming, of course, that the employer's misrepresentations
related to matters material to the child's interests).

On Thu, 25 Sep 2003, Gregg Miller wrote:

> The NY Appellate division ruled a child not yet born can sue for
> misrepresentations made to her mother by her mother's employer.  I wonder if
> this is going to have an effect on the rights of the unborn.
> http://www.law.com/jsp/printerfriendly.jsp?c=LawArticle&t=PrinterFriendlyArt
> icle&cid=1063212087448
> Gregg P. Miller
> Academic Support Tutor
> Thomas Jefferson School of Law
> 2121 San DIego Avenue
> San DIego, CA 92110
> (619) 297-9700 ext. 1408

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