For my undergraduate constitutional law class (focusing on separation of powers/federalism issues) I am asking my students to choose a live dispute in the federal courts (relating to these topics) and research/analyze the constitutional questions.  I promised them that I would help them find some good cases.  And that’s where you come in. 


If you have in mind some especially interesting cases working their way through the system, could you please let me know?  It would be great if your note could include some useful links for the case (overviews of the issues, lower court opinions, briefs, etc.).  The case could be one that is pending before the Supremes, or one that is still in the courts of appeal, as long as (a) it raises some cutting-edge questions relating to separation of powers or federalism and (b) has generated some actual court decisions.


If anything comes to mind please write to me directly at [EMAIL PROTECTED].


Thanks in advance for your help.





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