That looks pretty good.  Did you see my last question about the library 
dependencies?  The Makefiles seem to be expecting them to be in /usr/share/...  
I think we need to include the dependencies ahead of time so we can make sure 
they are covered license wise.

On Feb 9, 2010, at 7:42 AM, Karl Wright wrote:

> Hi Grant,
> Did you have a look at the third tar.gz I uploaded into the code-grant 
> ticket?  For this one, I used rat as you requested, and added licenses to all 
> remaining jsp and java files.  I'm not sure how those got missed; the 
> engineer here who did the conversion in the first place is usually pretty 
> thorough that way.
> There are still a few outstanding files of different kinds that I've been 
> loathe to touch.  For example, there are a couple of purportedly XML files in 
> the SharePoint MCPermissions web service build.  These have some kind of 
> lead-in, however, and they are used by Visual Studio, so I was not sure I 
> could safely drop a copyright into them.  Also, we included Sun jsp standard 
> library tld's in the grant inadvertantly; these of course can be distributed 
> but were not ours to grant in the first place.
> Karl

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