That commit, Karl, reminded me... LCF's Solr configuration doesn't have a spot for putting in an optional core name. When using Solr, URLs are of the form: http://localhost:8983/solr[/<corename>]...

I imagine one could simply add that to the webapp name field so instead of "solr" it'd be "solr/corename", but that seems like a bit of a hack.

Why even break all these pieces of the Solr URL down? Why not simply have a "Solr URL" field where the user would put in the entire string "http://localhost:8983/solr/mycore "?


Begin forwarded message:
+ public void outputConfigurationBody(IThreadContext threadContext, IHTTPOutput out, ConfigParams parameters, String tabName)
+    throws LCFException, IOException
+  {
+ String protocol = parameters .getParameter (org.apache.lcf.agents.output.solr.SolrConfig.PARAM_PROTOCOL);
+    if (protocol == null)
+      protocol = "http";
+ String server = parameters .getParameter (org.apache.lcf.agents.output.solr.SolrConfig.PARAM_SERVER);
+    if (server == null)
+      server = "localhost";
+ String port = parameters .getParameter (org.apache.lcf.agents.output.solr.SolrConfig.PARAM_PORT);
+    if (port == null)
+      port = "8983";
+ String webapp = parameters .getParameter (org.apache.lcf.agents.output.solr.SolrConfig.PARAM_WEBAPPNAME);
+    if (webapp == null)
+      webapp = "solr";
+ String updatePath = parameters .getParameter (org.apache.lcf.agents.output.solr.SolrConfig.PARAM_UPDATEPATH);
+    if (updatePath == null)
+      updatePath = "/update/extract";
+ String removePath = parameters .getParameter (org.apache.lcf.agents.output.solr.SolrConfig.PARAM_REMOVEPATH);
+    if (removePath == null)
+      removePath = "/update";
+ String statusPath = parameters .getParameter (org.apache.lcf.agents.output.solr.SolrConfig.PARAM_STATUSPATH);
+    if (statusPath == null)
+      statusPath = "/admin/ping";
+ String realm = parameters .getParameter (org.apache.lcf.agents.output.solr.SolrConfig.PARAM_REALM);
+    if (realm == null)
+      realm = "";
+ String userID = parameters .getParameter (org.apache.lcf.agents.output.solr.SolrConfig.PARAM_USERID);
+    if (userID == null)
+      userID = "";
+ String password = parameters .getObfuscatedParameter (org.apache.lcf.agents.output.solr.SolrConfig.PARAM_PASSWORD);
+    if (password == null)
+      password = "";

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