Re maven: There is a wiki page describing the Maven dependencies; somebody 
needs to tackle this.  If you want to volunteer, we'd love to hear your 
proposal.  However, please remember that you really must be sure to retain the 
connector conditional compilation structure as is currently in place, for 
license reasons.

Re unit tests: The Junit test code was actually placed carefully based on the 
above considerations.  In other words, you can't run a test that requires 
connectors x,y,z unless those connectors have actually been built.  Similarly, 
you may think in terms of testing a specific connector by including tests for 
that connector, but those tests cannot use any OTHER connectors or you will 
break the build, which is why any tests that use multiple connectors must be at 
the module level.


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf 
Of ext Jettro Coenradie
Sent: Monday, August 16, 2010 8:21 AM
Subject: improving the build

I think the current download is pretty big. Is there is good reason that we
do not use something like maven. Or at least, if you do not like maven, ivy
to share dependencies between projects. Also enforces you to use libraries
that are generally available.

I would also love to have the (unit)tests closer to the actual code, hard to
locate the tests at the moment

Would like to hear the thoughts of the developers


Jettro Coenradie

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