+1 from me as well.

1. Verified the CHANGES.txt

2. Tested the binary release (tar.gz) on OS X:
- md5sums
- ant test
- Did a web crawl and indexed Solr 3.1 using the example (Jetty + Derby)
- Deployed on Resin 4.0.15, crawled the web, indexed Solr 3.1 and used an external PostgreSQL server (new future in this release) - Verified that an html page with meta robots noindex was not indexed by Solr (new future in this release)

3. Tested the source release (zip) on OS X:
- md5sums
- ant test
- ant build
- Did a web crawl and indexed Solr 3.1 using the example (Jetty + Derby)

On 27.04.11 00.12, Karl Wright wrote:
The RC2 of the 0.2-incubating release is now up on
http://people.apache.org/~kwright.  The svn tag is at

Please vote!


Erlend Garåsen
Center for Information Technology Services
University of Oslo
P.O. Box 1086 Blindern, N-0317 OSLO, Norway
Ph: (+47) 22840193, Fax: (+47) 22852970, Mobile: (+47) 91380968, VIP: 31050

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