On 12.04.12 23.46, Karl Wright wrote:
The build process has changed.  The incubator required we remove all
binaries.  You will need to do one of the following:
(a) Download the -lib package from the release candidate and follow
the instructions

I tried to place all the jars from the lib distribution into a lib folder in my working trunk version. I tried to follow the instructions in the README file.

What exactly is the corresponding lib distribution if you work with trunk? The latest 0.5 release? Here's what I did:
1. Downloaded apache-manifoldcf-0.5-incubating-lib.tar.gz and unpacked it
2. Created a lib directory in the project root and copied all jars from the lib distribution into that directory
3. ran ant build (nothing really happens)
4. Tried ant make-deps followed by ant build.

I guess there is one detail I have missed. Your suggestions work perfectly if I download the corresponding source package, but not with the latest version from trunk.


(b) Make sure you have svn 1.7 installed and run "ant make-core-deps"

It's not straight forward to upgrade SVN to version 1.7 on OS X. Fink is the most common tool for installing/upgrading SVN, but the current/stable version is 1.6.17-4:

If I _should_ use SVN 1.7, I can try to install it from MacPorts.


Erlend Garåsen
Center for Information Technology Services
University of Oslo
P.O. Box 1086 Blindern, N-0317 OSLO, Norway
Ph: (+47) 22840193, Fax: (+47) 22852970, Mobile: (+47) 91380968, VIP: 31050

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