Hi all,

The Apache IT folks have an additional requirement which we will need
to fulfill at some point as part of the graduation process.  It is
apparently a requirement that at least the site be completely
buildable using only materials that we can obtain a zero-cost license
for.  We've been publishing our site including javadoc including the
documentum, filenet, livelink, and meridio connectors, which
technically violates this principle.

There are two ways to address the problem.  The first way is to check
into trunk somewhere the javadocs, and periodically regenerate/check
in changes.  The second way is to write stubs for all of the
proprietary libraries, and build and javadoc against those stubs
rather than against the actual libraries themselves.

After thinking about this a while, I concluded that it might be
feasible to create stubs, and there would be additional benefits to
the approach.  Specifically, it would no longer be necessary for our
release engineer to obtain the necessary proprietary materials in
order to produce a release, and that would be a huge benefit in the
long run.  Also, Apache IT communicated that they were concerned that
some of the proprietary materials might have javadoc restrictions such
that we could not legally release javadoc for code that compiled
against these jars.  I do not think this is true but in the interests
of trying to be a good Apache citizen we should eliminate this concern
if it is reasonably possible to do so.

I've therefore created a ticket, CONNECTORS-474, and a corresponding
branch, and am working away on this.  It will, of course, take some
time.  There will also need to be some testing of the proprietary
connectors needed before the branch is committed, because building
against stubs might inadvertantly introduce linkage errors.  In the
interim I've been assured that the migration to our TLP resources will
continue as planned.


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