I have not seen this exact problem before.

The "Bad envelope tag: HTML" indicates that the SOAP request the
SharePoint connector is attempting to perform is, in fact, returning
an HTML response.  This usually indicates that the server or path
parameters you've used to set up the connection are not set correctly,
and SharePoint is not actually being engaged.

But usually when that happens I don't recall a ConfigurationException
logged, unless it's what Axis does in response to the HTML.

The best thing to do at this point is turn on Http Client wire
logging, restart ManifoldCF, and view the connection.  The log will
then contain a record of the exact SOAP requests and the responses,
and we can see what's wrong.  The technique is described here:


You can also confirm that the right SharePoint web services are
functioning on the machine in question by trying to access them
directly.  For the Lists web service, which is the one it sounds like
it was complaining about, try using IE (not Firefox etc because you
want NTLM support) to go to the url where you think the web service
lives.  This will be http: or https:, plus the server, plus the port,
plus the path, plus "_vti_bin/Lists.asmx".  You should see an
unequivocable SharePoint response.  For an example from the Microsoft
demo service, try http://www.wssdemo.com/_vti_bin/Lists.asmx.

Please let me know how it goes, and cc the dev list (as I have) so a
record of what you're encountering can be made available to others.


On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 1:52 PM, Silvia, Daniel [USA]
<silvia_dan...@bah.com> wrote:
> Hi Karl
> I have downloaded the newest version of ManifoldCF v .4 and have run the 
> necessary ant scripts to download dependencies and then built the entire 
> project. I have also had the ShrePoint webservice 
> MetCarta.SharePoint.MCPermissionsService.wsp deployed on the SharePoint 
> instance due to running version 3 of SharePoint (SharePoint 2007). When I try 
> to create a Repository Connection and select "Save" I get a message on the 
> ManifoldCF front end of "org.xml.sax.SAXException Bad envelope tag: HTML". 
> When I look at the log file I see an error message " 
> org.apache.axis.ConfigurationException: No service named ListsSoap is 
> available".
> Can you tell me if you have seen this issue before and what may be causing 
> this issue?
> Thanks for your help.
> Dan
> ________________________________________
> From: Karl Wright [daddy...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Friday, January 20, 2012 7:31 AM
> To: Silvia, Daniel [USA]
> Subject: Re: ManifoldCF's dist/shapoint-integration dir
> Hi Daniel,
> In order for the SharePoint connector to build, you need to have the
> wsdls in place in the right area.  We cannot ship those because of
> potential copyright issues.  The easiest way to obtain the right
> dependencies is:
> ant download-dependencies
> Then, just build normally:
> ant build
> This will only work for ManifoldCF-0.4-incubating, or trunk.
> 0.4-incubating is still in the process of being signed off by the
> incubator, but you can find the release candidate here:
> http://people.apache.org/~kwright
> Thanks,
> Karl
> On Fri, Jan 20, 2012 at 7:02 AM, Silvia, Daniel [USA]
> <silvia_dan...@bah.com> wrote:
>> Hi Karl
>> I work with Matt Parker and we are in the process of developing a pipeline
>> that uses ManifoldCF at the beginning. I just subscribed to the
>> connectors-user-subscr...@incubator.apache.org
>> group yesterday and submitted an e-mail question to the group. Can you help
>> us with the below issue?
>> I downloaded MCF and started playing with the default setup under Jetty and
>> Derby. It starts up without any issue. I am trying to configure a SharePoint
>> connector, connecting to SharePoint Service 3. I have been following the
>> instructions and I am at the point of deploying the custom SharePoint web
>> service to the SharePoint instance. The instructions indicate that I should
>> get the web service from dist/sharepoint-integration after building MCF.
>> However, after looking through the entire directory structure, I am unable
>> to find the service to deploy.
>> Can someone tell me where to find this service?
>> Thanks for your help.
>> Daniel Silvia

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