Starting in ManifoldCF 0.4-incubating, the solr jars you need are
already distributed, so you do not need to build the code in the
whitepaper.  See the directory dist/integration.


On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 1:50 PM, Anupam Bhattacharya
<> wrote:
> By referring to the article "Apache ManifoldCF Security Whitepaper" at
> & Blog Post at
> "";.
> Can you confirm whether the implementation in the presentation is
> actual way to go ahead in implementing security.
> As i am confused after seeing the post quoting this
> "The other piece of good news is that we've finally decided where to
> put the Solr components that enforce ManifoldCF security.  After an
> extensive back-and-forth, these components have be incorporated as
> subprojects of ManifoldCF, so you will be able to simply deploy them.
> This supercedes the example Solr security code example from ManifoldCF
> in Action, but in a good way - now you've got even less work to do! "
> Regards
> Anupam

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