It seems that MCF cannot delete documents from Solr. A timeout occurs, and the job stops after a while.

This is what I can see from the log:
WARN 2012-04-20 18:24:30,373 (Worker thread '16') - Service interruption reported for job 1327930125433 connection 'Web crawler': Ingestion API socket timeout exception waiting for response code: Read timed out; ingestion will be retried again later

If I take a further look in Simple History, it seems that this error is related to document deletion.

I have tried to delete the document manually by using curl from the same server MCF is installed on in case we have some access restrictions, but Curr succeeded.

We do not have any problems with adding, the timeout only occurs while deleting documents.

I have checked our Solr configuration. MCF does use the correct path for document deletion, i.e. /update.

The correct realm, username and password for our Solr server are entered correctly and the SSL certificate is valid as well.


Erlend Garåsen
Center for Information Technology Services
University of Oslo
P.O. Box 1086 Blindern, N-0317 OSLO, Norway
Ph: (+47) 22840193, Fax: (+47) 22852970, Mobile: (+47) 91380968, VIP: 31050

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