Hi all,

This is test report for connman-0.77.3-3.1.i586. In this testing, we ran

209 cases. 207 cases passed and 2 cases failed because of known/new bugs. 

The pass rate is 99%. We found 1 new bug, reopen 1 bug and verify 2 bugs. 

In this commit we found the bug that wrong state 'available' instead of 

'offline' when disable wifi.


New bugs


23646 -  Wrong state 'available' instead of 'offline' when disable wifi




Re-open bugs:


22377 -  "Ready" instead of "online" when connected to internet




Verified bugs:


22745 -  still see 3g service when disable cellular.  



23110 -  Can not turn wifi-connection on/off freely unless power on the

        device after restart connmand and wpa_supplicant.  





Testing Environment


Hardware:  netbook Eeepc 1005PE / Cedar Trail /  Ocktrail Green Ridge

Image:  meego-netbook-ia32-1.2.0 /

ConnMan:   connman-0.77.3-3.1.i586

Ofono:  ofono-1.0.9.gd24d521-1.1.i586 

3G:  Unicom Sim card/HuaWei e180

BT:   Palm Pre/AnyCom AP/CSR dongle (disable the onboard BT device)

Wireless AP:    netgear WNR2000/dlink



Test Execution Summary


Category  Total  PASS  FAIL  N/A   Comments

WiFi       70     70                    

bt         14     14               

3G        15     15            

Ethernet   14     14               

Advance   21     21      

status     34     32    2          11860 23646

API       41     41               

Total     209    207    2     


Bug referred here is bug at bugs.meego.com, for example, bug #23110 refer to

For detailed test results, please see attached files

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         ConnMan Test Report List


CM_INFO_WiFiConnInfo                 PASS 

Total:1 Pass:1 Fail:0 N/A:0


CM_Advance_StaticIP_Reboot           PASS
CM_Advance_StaticIP_WIFI             PASS
CM_Advance_http_proxy                PASS
CM_Advance_web_proxy                 PASS
CM_Advance_StaticIP_Wired            PASS
CM_Advance_NTP                       PASS
CM_Advance_DNS_Positive              PASS
CM_Advance_Regulatory                PASS

Total:8 Pass:8 Fail:0 N/A:0


CM_Flt_eth_autoconn                  PASS
CM_Flt_ConnWired                     PASS
CM_Flt_3G_autoconn                   PASS
CM_Flt_WF_autoconn                   PASS
CM_Flt_WF_rfkill                     PASS
CM_Flt_ConnWIFI                      PASS
CM_Flt_Conn3G                        PASS
CM_Flt_WiFiIsPoweredOff              PASS
CM_Flt_EthOnline                     PASS
CM_Flt_WiFiPoweredOff                PASS
CM_Flt_EthPoweredOn                  PASS
CM_Flt_EthNoPing                     PASS
CM_Flt_Service                       PASS  
CM_Flt_EthPoweredOff                 PASS
CM_Flt_WiFiNoPing                    PASS
CM_Flt_EthIsPoweredOff               PASS
CM_Flt_WiFiPoweredOn                 PASS
CM_Flt_Online                        PASS
CM_Flt_WiFiOnline                    PASS

Total:19 Pass:19 Fail:0 N/A:0


CM_Tethering_disabled                PASS
CM_Tethering_scp                     PASS
CM_Tethering_multiple_connection     PASS
CM_Tethering_server_suspend          PASS
CM_Tethering_ping_clients            PASS
CM_Tethering_ssh                     PASS
CM_Tethering_connection              PASS
CM_Tethering_client_suspend          PASS
CM_Tethering_wifi_connection         PASS
CM_Tethering_surfing                 PASS

Total:10 Pass:10 Fail:0 N/A:0


CM_NetworkSel_Best                   PASS
CM_NetworkSel_BroadcastNoSec         PASS
CM_NetworkSel_HideWEP                PASS
CM_NetworkSel_NoneToWPA              PASS
CM_NetworkSel_HideNoSec              PASS
CM_NetworkSel_BroadcastWEP           PASS
CM_NetworkSel_HiddenWPAToNone        PASS
CM_NetworkSel_HideWPA                PASS
CM_NetworkSel_NoneToHiddenWEP        PASS
CM_NetworkSel_WEPToNone              PASS
CM_NetworkSel_HiddenWPAToWEP         PASS

Total:11 Pass:11 Fail:0 N/A:0


CM_Signal_MoveWiFi                   PASS
CM_SS_AutoConnect                    PASS
CM_SC_ConnectedTechnologies          PASS
CM_SC_Favorite                       PASS
CM_SC_IPv4                           PASS
CM_SC_State                          PASS
CM_SC_Powered                        PASS
CM_SM_State                          PASS
CM_SC_EnabledTechnologies            PASS
CM_SM_ConnectedTechnologies          PASS
CM_SS_Favorite                       PASS
CM_SC_Services                       PASS
CM_SC_DefaultTechnology              PASS
CM_SS_IPv4                           PASS
CM_SS_Passphrase                     PASS
CM_SC_OfflineMode                    PASS
CM_SM_DefaultTechnology              PASS
CM_SM_Services                       PASS
CM_SM_EnabledTechnologies            PASS
CM_SC_Connected                      PASS
CM_SM_Strength                       PASS

Total:21 Pass:21 Fail:0 N/A:0


CM_WF_wps_pbc                        PASS
CM_WF_wps_pin                        PASS
CM_WF_Roaming_Broadcast              PASS
CM_WG_HasDHCP                        PASS
CM_WG_IsReady                        PASS
CM_WG_IsPoweredOn                    PASS
CM_WG_IsReEnableWorks                PASS
CM_WS_RSN_Upload                     PASS
CM_WG_PoweredOff                     PASS
CM_WG_HasIP                          PASS
CM_WG_Connect                        PASS
CM_WS_RSN_Download                   PASS    
CM_WG_PoweredOn                      PASS
CM_WG_Disconnect                     PASS
CM_WS_WEP_Upload                     PASS
CM_WG_BigBroadcastPing               PASS
CM_WG_SmallBroadcastPing             PASS
CM_WS_WEP_Download                   PASS

Total:18 Pass:18 Fail:0 N/A:0


CM_WA_ForgotPassword                 PASS
CM_WA_DetectSecurityWPA              PASS
CM_WN_WEP64Wrong                     PASS
CM_WN_WEP64Short                     PASS
CM_WS_Hidden                         PASS
CM_WA_DetectSecurityWEP              PASS
CM_WN_WEP64Long                      PASS
CM_WN_WEP128Short                    PASS
CM_WA_AutoConnectFromSuspend         PASS
CM_WA_DetectSecurityRSN              PASS
CM_WS_OpenBroadcastRSN               PASS
CM_WA_DetectSecurityNone             PASS
CM_WS_Open                           PASS
CM_WS_OpenHiddenTKIP                 PASS
CM_WS_PSK2                           PASS
CM_WS_WEP128ascii                    PASS
CM_WS_OpenBroadcastTKIP              PASS
CM_WS_RSN                            PASS
CM_WF_Channel6                       PASS
CM_WF_Channel7                       PASS
CM_WF_Channel4                       PASS
CM_WF_Channel5                       PASS
CM_WF_Channel2                       PASS
CM_WF_Channel3                       PASS
CM_WF_Channel8                       PASS
CM_WF_Channel9                       PASS
CM_WN_WEP128Long                     PASS
CM_WS_OpenBroadcastWEP128            PASS
CM_WS_PSK1                           PASS
CM_WS_OpenHiddenWEP40                PASS
CM_WS_Broadcast                      PASS
CM_WN_WEP128Wrong                    PASS
CM_WA_RememberPasswd                 PASS
CM_WN_WEP128ascii                    PASS
CM_WS_OpenHiddenRSN                  PASS
CM_WS_OpenBroadcastWEP40             PASS
CM_WF_Channel10                      PASS
CM_WF_Channel11                      PASS
CM_WS_WPA                            PASS
CM_WS_OpenHiddenWEP128               PASS
CM_WS_WEP128                         PASS

Total:41 Pass:41 Fail:0 N/A:0


CM_BT_Connect_PAN                    PASS
CM_BT_PoweredOff                     PASS
CM_BT_HasIP                          PASS
CM_BT_IsPoweredOn                    PASS
CM_BT_Disconnect                     PASS
CM_BT_Connect                        PASS
CM_BT_HasDHCP                        PASS
CM_BT_Download                       PASS
CM_BT_SmallPing                      PASS
CM_BT_Upload                         PASS
CM_BT_IsReady                        PASS
CM_BT_IsReEnableWorks                PASS
CM_BT_BigPing                        PASS
CM_BT_PoweredOn                      PASS

Total:14 Pass:14 Fail:0 N/A:0


CM_State_3G_Available                PASS

Total:1 Pass:1 Fail:0 N/A:0


CM_AutoConn_FavoriteSetting          PASS
CM_Autoconn_RememWPAPSKTKIP          PASS
CM_AutoConn_RebootWIFI               PASS
CM_AutoConn_SuspendMem3G             PASS
CM_AutoConn_RememWEP64               PASS
CM_AutoConn_SuspendMemWired          PASS
CM_AutoConn_LostConn                 PASS
CM_AutoConn_RebootWired              PASS
CM_AutoConn_Reboot3G                 PASS
CM_Autoconn_HIDDEN_Rem               FAIL    #11860
CM_AutoConn_SuspendMemWIFI           PASS

Total:11 Pass:10 Fail:1 N/A:0


CM_IPv6_eth_set_address              PASS
CM_IPv6_ssh                          PASS
CM_IPv6_WF_set_address               PASS

Total:3 Pass:3 Fail:0 N/A:0


CM_Device_WIFI_Reboot                FAIL     #23646
CM_Device_WIFI_Conn                  PASS

Total:2 Pass:1 Fail:1 N/A:0


CM_Eth_DNS_PROXY                     PASS
CM_Eth_SmallBroadcastPing            PASS
CM_Eth_BigBroadcastPing              PASS
CM_Eth_Disconnect                    PASS
CM_Eth_Download                      PASS
CM_Eth_HasDHCP                       PASS
CM_Eth_Connect                       PASS
CM_Eth_IsReEnableWorks               PASS
CM_Eth_HasIP                         PASS
CM_Eth_IsPoweredOn                   PASS
CM_Eth_PoweredOn                     PASS
CM_Eth_Upload                        PASS
CM_Eth_IsReady                       PASS
CM_Eth_PoweredOff                    PASS

Total:14 Pass:14 Fail:0 N/A:0


CM_PS_Error                          PASS
CM_PM_DefaultTechnology              PASS
CM_PM_AvailableTechnologies          PASS
CM_PS_Nameservers                    PASS
CM_PM_Technologies                   PASS
CM_PS_PassphraseRequired             PASS
CM_PS_State                          PASS
CM_PS_Immutable                      PASS
CM_PS_Passphrase                     PASS
CM_PS_AutoConnect                    PASS
CM_PM_OfflineMode                    PASS
CM_PS_Favorite                       PASS
CM_PM_EnabledTechnologies            PASS
CM_PS_Type                           PASS
CM_PS_Security                       PASS
CM_PS_Name                           PASS
CM_PS_Strength                       PASS
CM_PS_Domains                        PASS
CM_PS_Mode                           PASS
CM_PM_ConnectedTechnologies          PASS

Total:20 Pass:20 Fail:0 N/A:0


CM_3G_Reconnect                      PASS
CM_3G_DeviceControl                  PASS
CM_3G_PoweredOff                     PASS
CM_3G_BigPing                        PASS
CM_3G_Download                       PASS
CM_3G_Connect                        PASS
CM_3G_SmallPing                      PASS
CM_3G_Disconnect                     PASS
CM_3G_Upload                         PASS
CM_3G_HasIP                          PASS
CM_3G_IsReEnableWorks                PASS
CM_3G_PoweredOn                      PASS
CM_3G_DeviceIsExist                  PASS
CM_3G_IsReady                        PASS
CM_3G_IsPoweredOn                    PASS

Total:15 Pass:15 Fail:0 N/A:0

Total:209 Pass:207  Fail:2  N/A:0
PassRate of executed: 99%

FEAGroup      Feature                               Score         Comments
              EAP                                    -            Not Test 
              Network-sel                           Good
              Wpa-suplicant D-BUS                   Good
              Manual switch connect                 Good          
              connect to Broadcast AP               Good          
              connect to Hidden AP                  Good
              Hidden Group AP                       Good

              WEP 40/128-bit key                    Good
              WiFi Protected Setup pairing (WPS)    Good
              WEP 128-bit passphrase                Good          
              WPA personal                          Good
              WPA2 personal                         Good         
              Open system                           Good
              Shared Key                            Good
              Remember passwd                       Good
              forgot password                       Good                
              AP security detect                    Good          
              auto del non-exist AP                 Good
              -                                      -            Not Test   
              -                                      -            Not Test

              coexist                               Good          
              State                                 Buddy         Bug 17450 
              Device                                Good
              Info                                  Good
              Flight                                Good

              reboot                                Buddy         Bug 11860     
              offline                               Good          
              suspend                               Good        
              favorite connection                   Good
              auto connectivity order               Good
              DNS Proxy                             Good
              Static IP                             Good                
              IPv6                                  Good
              Proxy                                 Good
              DHCP                                  Good
              NTP                                   Good
              regulatory                            Good
              WiFi tethering                        Buggy         Bug 22756
              bluetooth tethering                   Good          
              usb tethering                          -                    
              Scan                                  Good
              Pair                                  Good
              Connect                               Good
              dataTransfer                          Good
              connect                               Good          
              datatransfer                          Good
              PPP                                   Good         
              3G                                    Good        
              Datatransfer                          Good       
              property                              Good          
              signal                                Good

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