
On Wed, 2012-05-09 at 15:46 +0000, Julien Massot wrote:
> Here, we use the default timeout for a dbus call, It doesn't seems to
> be very accurate but I have something like 25-30sec.
> Perhaps we can change the -1 in DBUS_TIMEOUT_INFINITE, to avoid this
> issue.

Something longer than the default ~30s would be good, yes.

> I've also another problem, The wpa_supplicant timeout before
> considering that a network is removed ("Due to age")
> is 180 sec.(hostap/wpa_supplicant/config.c / #define
> If we are unlucky (according to autoscan delay) the network can be
> removed between the moment that I request the connection
> and when I provide the passphrase from the agent.

The good thing here is that when we get the passphrase from the agent,
the service is saved with the new passphrase. But due to the network
going away, the driver is set to NULL and connman can't connect.

> Perhaps we can set a shorter maximum timeout (under 180 ) for autoscan
> to avoids this issue, or we can set a longer timeout for wpa_s
> using wpas_dbus_setter_bss_expire_age. 

That won't help too much as the user might pick the network and start
inputting a passphrase 2s before the timeout hits.

We need to think about this issue some more.



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