>> Hi!
>> How can I configure connman-vpn to leave my default route?
>> I want that connman append VPN route so I can access my VPN network and
>> have all other traffic go through default route.
>You can use connman test script service-move-before to move the service
>to the first one. The first service gets the default route.

I've tried 'service-move-before' but hadn't got any changes in routing table.
I have ethernet connection and I want to establish VPN connection.
After VPN connection is established, I run 'service-move-before
<ethernet_service_path> <vpn_service_path>' but 'route -n' command
gives me the same result as before executing 'service-move-before'

Is there any option besides executing 'service-move-before' to tell
connman simply not to override default routes?
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