
On Wed, 2013-04-03 at 13:38 +0200, Simon Busch wrote:
> Allowing provision by interface name can be helpful in some situations where
> interface names never change. In all other situations where the interface 
> name is very
> likely to change the MAC should still be used as identifier for provisioning.

Since we already have the MAC address identifying the interface, I'm
inclined not to take this patch. Recent versions of systemd will name
the interfaces very differently from what one might be used to, which
can become a not so nice source of confusion.

If the MAC address match is not set in the provisioning file, ConnMan
will provision the first or only ethernet adapter in the device. The
"first" adapter depends on the interface detection order in the Linux
kernel. And if plain DHCP configuration is desired, no provisioning file
needs to be written, it's enough to plug in the ethernet cable.



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