Hi all,

This is test report for  commit 88943c8550d7f79d503c65b6eb68558e742b1a42.
In this testing, we ran 261 cases. 251 cases passed and 10 cases failed.
The pass rate is 96%. We found 1 new bug, reopen 1 bug and verify 0 bug .

 New bug
26001 - Connmanctl can't display ipv6 address correctly

Re-open bugs:
25996 - The session does not connect to the service after run test-session 
connect /foo s1

 Verified bugs:

reproduced bugs:
25991 - pacrunner does not return DIRECT for url in Intranet through ethernet

Testing Environment
Hardware:  netbook Eeepc 1005PE / Cedar Trail / Ocktrail Green Ridge
Image:  meego-netbook-ia32-1.2.0 / netbook-ia32-pinetrail-tizen_20120424.2
ConnMan:  88943c8550d7f79d503c65b6eb68558e742b1a42
wpa_supplicant: wpa_supplicant-1.0-13.1.i586
bluez:  bluez-4.87-1.12.i586
3G:  Unicom Sim card/ZTE MF190/HuaWei E261
BT:   Palm Pre/AnyCom AP/CSR dongle (disable the onboard BT device)
Wireless AP:    netgear WNR2000/dlink

Test Execution Summary
Category     Total   PASS  FAIL  N/A   Comments
WiFi              46      46
Bt                 13      13
3G                24      24
Ethernet        14      14
Advance        52      45       7
status           66      66
API               34      34
Session          4        1           3
Openvpn        7        7
Regression    1      1
Total           261      251        10

Bug referred here is bug at bugs.meego.com, for example, bug #26001refer
to https://bugs.meego.com/show_bug.cgi?id=26001

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