Hi Chengyi,

>>> I'm not sure we want the capability of hiding the SSID when tethering,
>>> let's figure out that one as well.
>> I do not think this is a good idea in the first place. Hidden SSID is the
>> most stupid concept invented. It does not provide any extra security.
>> Especially not if you have actual clients connected. The SSID will be
>> resolved eventually if you do an air trace. And if you do not connect to,
>> then instead of hiding it, rather disable it and stop wasting power.
>> There is a reason why we are forcing WPA2 for Tethering access points and
>> do not allow insecure Tethering. With that in mind the hidden SSID is not
>> useful whatsoever either.
>> Keep also in mind that features like WPS, P2P and even Bluetooth
>> High-Speed are forcing the SSID to be broadcast. So hidden WiFi is so
>> 90ties ;)
> I agree with you that strict security control is very important,
> but this specific request is from Tizen mobile develop group,
> and the other also includes open Wi-Fi Access points.

neither Android nor iOS supports hidden AP for Tethering. So what is your point 

> The hostap or wpa_spplicant supports almost all of the security features,
> so I think that security can be selected by the user or APP developer,
> and we can provide instructions and recommendations in the interface file.

This is not a valid argument. The Linux kernel still supports DECnet network 
protocols, but that is pretty much a dead technology. No sane distribution 
would try to enable support for it.

The takeaway from this is that enabling every single possible low-level option 
all the way to the user is not useful. Especially if this leads to false sense 
of security. You would have to spent more time to explain to the user that 
hidden does not mean actually secure. That makes the UI design and interaction 
design more complicated. And still most normal users will not get it. So it is 
better to not just do it at all if there is not a single benefit.

And hidden WiFi falls exactly into this category. Upstream can not support such 
an option.



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