Hi Daniel -

Thanks for the feedback. See my comments below . . .

On Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 8:40 AM, Daniel Wagner <w...@monom.org> wrote:
> Hi Glenn,
> [Sorry for the late response. I am kind of pretty busy]
> On 11/05/2013 08:27 PM, Glenn Schmottlach wrote:
>>>> As I understand it, Connman sessions are tracked, in part, by marking
>>>> packets associated with the session's UID, GID, or SELinux context
>>>> information. This is translated into iptable rules to which "mark" the
>>>> connections as described in session-overview.txt.
>>>> Per session iptables rules:
>>>> iptables -t mangle -A OUTPUT -m owner [--uid-owner|--gid-owner] $OWNER \
>>>>    -j MARK --set-mark $MARK
>>>> iptables -t filter -A INPUT -m mark --mark $MARK \
>>>> -m nfacct --nfacct-name session-input-$MARK
>>>> iptables -t filter -A OUTPUT -m mark --mark $MARK \
>>>> -m nfacct --nfacct-name session-output-$MARK
>>> BTW, the nfacct is going away. We are going to use NFQUEUE in future.
>>> Though we still need the MARK unless we can convince the netdev
>>> guys that the lookup for a policy routing table could be something else
>>> e.g. cgroup id. For the time being I keep the assumption we need
>>> the marker.
>> I'm curious how you anticipate using NFQUEUE in the future unless
>> you're considering re-directing the network traffic to a user-space
>> application (like Connman). Are you trying to do a transparent proxy
>> or intercept the packets in some way? If so, have you considered
>> TPROXY or even using NFLOG to get at the these packets? My only
>> concern/confusion here is the intent for using NFQUEUE since it seems
>> you want to funnel matching packets into user-space. Can you elaborate
>> on your plans? Wouldn't this have a negative impact on the performance
>> of the connections managed by Connman if you are moving in that
>> direction?
> The Session API is also designed to allow per application statistics
> and routing. The current implementation is trying to use NFACCT
> for the statistics. That doesn't really scale though. We need one
> rule per direction and protocol type per application. Furthermore,
> we need to poll for the updates.
> Android supports the same feature via xt_qtaguid. There was a good
> presentation during the LPC on this topic:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fi_iyaF7Gw0
> Eric Dumazet and Thomas Graf were attending this session and both
> said NFQUEUE is what we should use for this kind of feature we
> want to support. They also pointed out that the operation is
> dirt cheap. Let's see, at least we have them on tape and can
> bother them to fix it if it isn't :D (just jocking).

I was not aware of this approach. I'll have to investigate this
further and get back to you on whether is fits my use-case as well.
Thanks for the link . . . I'll watch the video.

> I and a colleague of mine already working on this. We need
> to extend the connection tracking information with skuid
> and skgid. We create a 'statistic daemon' to collect the data.
> The main reason not add it to ConnMan directly is that
> libnetfiler_queue (and friends) have a blocking API which
> is completely unfit for ConnMan. Besides this I don't think
> it is a great idea to have ConnMan to look at all packets.
> I hope to have soon some real numbers on performance
> and power impact.

It sounds like an interesting approach. I would be very interested in
how it turns out. Is this statistics daemon something you expect that
you can share with the Connman community?

>>>> These rules instruct iptables to collect basic usage metrics
>>>> (bytes/packets sent/received) on behalf of Connman.
>>>> I have a requirement to do additional filtering and statistics
>>>> collection using my own set of rules and would like to filter on these
>>>> same MARK'ed packets while adding additional "marks" (or fields) to
>>>> the packets so that I can separate them into additional categories
>>>> needed by my application. This is where I need some additional
>>>> information from Connman and a slight modification to how packets are
>>>> MARK'ed and compared.
>>>> As I understand it, each netfilter packet has an associated 32-bit
>>>> mark value which is being set to $MARK in the above rules. When
>>>> setting a MARK value you can provide a mask which will only allow
>>>> specific bits to be set. Looking at the session.c code (line 39) I see
>>>> that new sessions are initialized starting at 256 and are incremented
>>>> upwards from there. So my assumption is that Connman assumes it "owns"
>>>> the upper 24-bits of the netfiler mark value. Likewise, it would seem
>>>> from the iptables rules that it does not expect other rules in the
>>>> iptable to use these same bits for marking packets.
>>> ConnMan starts counting at 256 because that is the first 'unmanaged'
>>> ID for a policy routing table. To simplify I used the same value
>>> for the routing table as for the marker. Obviously the current
>>> implementation doesn't really play nicely by assuming it has complete
>>> control. I have no problem to change that.
>>>> What I am proposing is the following:
>>>> 1) Modify Connman to provide a mechanism to retrieve the iptable
>>>> "MARK" value associated with a session as well as the bitmask used to
>>>> filter/extract those bits from the underlying U32 netfilter value.
>>>> Perhaps both the session MARK value and bitmask could be considered
>>>> read-only "settings" of the session object and would be updated when
>>>> the iptable rule is written.
>>> I don't really follow here. Could you please elaborate it a bit?
>> Let me try to explain what I'm trying to accomplish. On my target
>> platform there exist applications that run as separate processes. My
>> intention is to run each "app" as a separate Linux user.
> Similar to what we want to do (and Android does)
>> These apps
>> might still be further divided into groups with similar features (e.g.
>> streaming apps, music apps, etc...). My thought was to assign each app
>> to a Linux group, or as you indicate, perhaps a specific cgroup if I
>> utilize that Linux feature. I need to enforce both a per-application
>> network data quota (bytes sent + received < data limit) as well as an
>> overall application "group" data limit.
> I think we share the same use case here. Apart of the grouping of several
> application I want to support the same use case

That's good news. I suspect our worlds and needs are quite similar.

>> My thought is that I could create a Connman policy (or session
>> configuration) for *each* application. Connman seems to already
>> provide the mechanism to provide a prioritized Bearer list and the
>> necessary indications to tell an application whether the underlying
>> Bearer/service is connected (or not) and to request a connection
>> through the Session API.
> Yes, the Session API is not only there for notification.
>> It seems that when a Session is created new
>> rules are added to the iptable to "mark" these packets from a
>> particular application based on the UID, GID, or SELinux context.
> Yes.
>> I want to set up additional filters on these same marked packets
>> except I also want to add a field to mark a GID association in the
>> same U32 netfilter value. I need to know the netfilter mask I can use
>> to mask off the fields Connman uses for each packet. My thought was to
>> do this outside of Connman since it's not clear this is something
>> everyone needs/desires in their architectures.
> Maybe. Could you list your rules you want to use?

Here's a smattering of rules I've been prototyping. As you can see
there is nothing complex here but I suspect it's enough to give you
the gist of what I'm trying to do. Right now these rules add a quota
to a given UID. The GID rules would be similar but come *before* the
UID quota rules since these supersede those (e.g. if it passes the GID
related data limits, then apply the per UID limits). Assuming I know
Connman's UID marker, I can match on the same packets for that user.


# Create the new custom chains
iptables -N $CHAIN_QUOTA
iptables -N $CHAIN_ACCT

# This marks all outgoing packets with a special marker per user
# which will be restored when the response comes pack on the input.
# We use it to track incoming packet for a specific UID.
iptables -t mangle -A OUTPUT -m owner --uid-owner $UID \
    -j MARK --set-mark $MARK

# Hook in our custom chains
iptables -t filter -A INPUT -m mark --mark $MARK -j $CHAIN_QUOTA
iptables -t filter -A OUTPUT -m owner --uid-owner $UID -j $CHAIN_QUOTA

iptables -t filter -A $CHAIN_QUOTA -m quota --quota $QUOTA -g $CHAIN_ACCT
# Send a TCP reset for all TCP traffic
iptables -t filter -A $CHAIN_QUOTA -p tcp -j REJECT --reject-with tcp-reset
# Drop UDP and anything else on the floor
iptables -t filter -A $CHAIN_QUOTA -j DROP

iptables -t filter -A $CHAIN_ACCT -m nfacct --nfacct-name $ACCT -j RETURN

>> Also, I want to use
>> netfilter to collect metrics for a combined send/receive byte count
>> since currently Connman tracks sent/received bytes separately. So in
>> my solution, I add additional rules for each app (using the Connman
>> "mark" value) to collect a send/receive application statistic. I also
>> use my own netfilter "mark" value to track the application's Linux
>> "group" so I can do group statistics and impose a quota at that level
>> as well (which could override the quota at the application level).
> This sound pretty reasonable. I don't see why something like this
> should be supported upstream by ConnMan. Note we completely lack
> code for supporting the quota per application so far.

Yes, I'd much prefer up-streaming my changes to Connman if at all
possible. Forking is always an option but I'd rather implement a n
approach that can be supported from the main-line.

>> I
>> can do all of this directly with iptables (I've prototyped it by hand)
>> but need Connman to provide me with the per-session/application "mark"
>> value and the filter I can used to mask off that value for my own
>> iptable rules. Retrieving this information as a read-only Session
>> property seemed the most convenient way. I'm open to other suggestions
>> however.
> I would suggest to we join forces here and add the needed code
> directly to ConnMan or the 'statistic daemon'.

I think I'd be open to that. I'll have to learn more about the
"statistics daemon" and it's roles/responsibilities to see how it
might fit into the approach I'm considering. Can you share any of
these details?

>>>> 2) Provide a configuration option (either at compile-time or via
>>>> configuration file item), that specifies the offset/mask for the
>>>> session's MARK value. For instance, currently the inferred offset (by
>>>> examining the code) is 8 bits with 0xFFFFFFFF as the default mask.
>>>> This doesn't allow the Connman markings to co-exist with any other
>>>> external markings. For my application I would like to reserve the
>>>> upper 16 bits for the Connman session value and the lower 16 bits for
>>>> my own use. The Connman code that generates the iptables rule might be
>>>> modified to look like this:
>>>> iptables -t mangle -A OUTPUT -m owner [--uid-owner|--gid-owner] $OWNER \
>>>>    -j MARK --set-mark $MARK/0x0000FFFF
>>>> iptables -t filter -A INPUT -m mark --mark $MARK/0xFFFF0000 \
>>>> -m nfacct --nfacct-name session-input-$MARK
>>>> iptables -t filter -A OUTPUT -m mark --mark $MARK/0xFFFF0000 \
>>>> -m nfacct --nfacct-name session-output-$MARK
>>> That sounds reasonable to me. I don't think we need 2^24 ids, we
>>> should be happy with 2^16 applications :)
>> I thought so too . . . I can't imagine (at least for the near-term)
>> having more the 2^16 apps installed. In the process of testing how
>> Sessions work in Connman I believe I've stumbled upon either a bug in
>> the Sessions implementation or an intended (purposeful) behavior.
> The code is pretty new, so it is quite likely you find bugs.

Yes, I think it is a bug (or an unexpected use case that may not have
been considered).

>> I
>> rather hope it's a bug since otherwise it will force me to put a
>> "shim" in front of the Connman Session API. What I have observed is
>> that for *every* session that is created, a new set of iptable rules
>> is created . . . even if the same user/group/SELinux context is used
>> to create the session.
> Yeah, the assumption is that each application uses it's own unique
> identifier. That code doesn't check if more then one Session uses
> the same identifier (GID). So this is a bug.

Glad you agree.

>> For instance, if I have two applications (both
>> the same user - with a session policy keyed to the UID) and they
>> create a Session instance then in the iptable's "mangle" table
>> (OUTPUT) looks something like this:
>> Chain connman-OUTPUT (1 references)
>>   pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source
>> destination
>>     20  1134 MARK       all  --  *      *
>>            owner UID match 1000 MARK set 0x100
>>     20  1134 MARK       all  --  *      *
>>            owner UID match 1000 MARK set 0x101
>> So it would appear the *last* session that is created will effectively
>> mark (and clobber) the first marking for the packet (0x101 mark
>> clobbers the earlier 0x100 mark since it's last in the chain). I hope
>> this is *not* what was intended. I expected that iptable rules for
>> Session policies for the same UID/GID/SELinux context would "share"
>> the same session (and thus statistics). So if two applications running
>> as the same UID/GID/SELinux context requested a Connman Session, the
>> first requestor would create it while the second application would get
>> a "reference" to that session. This session would remain valid until
>> the last application (with the same UID/GID/SELinux context) destroyed
>> the session. In a sense the Sessions become reference counted per
>> session policy. As it stands today it would appear Connman creates far
>> more iptable rules than necessary to support multiple applications
>> running as the same user (or in the same group or SELinux context). Am
>> I correct in assuming this is a design error in the current
>> implementation of Sessions?
> You are right. We need to fix this. Patches? :D

I can certainly work on this now that I understand what was intended.
Just didn't want to invest the time if Connman was operating under a
different premise or approach.

>>>> As you can see, setting the Connman MARK is no longer destructive to a
>>>> value that might already exist in the lower 16-bits of the 32-bit
>>>> word. Likewise, when reading and comparing the value the lower 16-bits
>>>> of the 32-bits value are effectively masked out so it won't impact the
>>>> Connman session match test.
>>>> Part of my problem is that I need to create additional iptable rules
>>>> that place data-caps (e.g. a quota) on certain sessions (apps) which
>>>> are then optionally partitioned into additional groups. I can use the
>>>> power/flexibility of iptables to implement this logic but I need to
>>>> cooperatively use the same netfilter 32-bit value to store additional
>>>> information about the connection and their associated packets. This
>>>> change would help Connman behave as a better netfilter citizen while
>>>> allowing me to piggy-back on top of the existing marking done by
>>>> Connman.
>>> Well, the quota thing is something we want also to support natively
>>> with sessions. That is also why count the packets (currently with
>>> nfacct but we don't use that information yet).
>> I'm sure you realize that you don't explicitly need nfacct to collect
>> statistics. Granted, nfacct gives you nicely named buckets you can
>> access with the nfacct utility and likely over netlink as well. But
>> each iptable's rule has a byte/packet count associated with it.
> Dumping the iptables all the time is kind of excessive.

Agreed . . . I'd rather not poll for these stats. But they are
available and I could keep the frequency of polling to a minimum since
the quota enforcement is done within a netfilter rule rather than
trying to track and apply it from a user-space program.

>> So if
>> a packet merely passes through a rule (a simple "do nothing" rule) it
>> will increment that rule's counters. Plus, iptables gives give you a
>> way to query/reset the stats for a specific rule if I'm not mistaken.
> Yes, that would probably also work but this is a polling which I
> try to avoid.

Agreed. Polling is generally bad . . . but there are times when you
might have no other choice.

>>>> I'm willing to make the necessary code changes to implement this
>>>> solution. I'm just seeking feedback of whether a better solution
>>>> exists (that I'm unaware of) or perhaps recommendations on my
>>>> approach. Of course any patches I make would be available to the
>>>> community and hopefully could eventually be integrated into the main
>>>> baseline.
>>> I am happy to see patches!
>>> cheers,
>>> daniel
>> I'm really interested in the direction you're headed with Connman
>> Sessions. I'd like to leverage this work and perhaps contribute the
>> project's generic parts for the solutions I devise. I realize not
>> everyone has similar needs but it would appear (at least so far)
>> Connman's goals are fairly closely aligned with mine.
> That is great to hear. We really should strive to make it useful for
> more than only my use cases. Therefore I am really happy if you
> join the effort to push forward with the Session API and make it
> a great feature!
> cheers,
> daniel
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