
On Thu, 2014-06-26 at 11:59 +0300, Slava Monich wrote:
> You haven't convinced me. If service doesn't start those requests then
> it's not its responsibility to cancel them. By doing so it would make
> an unnecessary assumption about the inner workings of the wispr
> module. If the wispr implementation changes, this assumption may
> become invalid.
> The requests that need to be canceled when wispr context is destroyed,
> are those started from the wispr code. And therefore it's the wispr
> code which has to cancel them. The fewer assumptions and
> inter-dependencies the better.

Any outstanding messages for the agent for a particular service will be
cancelled by the code in service.c. Any outstanding wispr interaction
will also be cancelled by the code in service.c. Apparently there exists
a case where wispr manages to place requests to the agent _after_ the
agent has been told to clean up any outstanding messages for the
service. Let's fix that one.



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