
On Mon, 2014-08-04 at 12:03 +1000, Lorn Potter wrote:
> My device seems to using ANSI_X3.4-1968

Which one? The one (Jolla??) you run ConnMan on?

> For an AP with ssid set to LT-Test-ÅÅЀ
> connman shows: LT-Test-<?><?>&#1024;
> wpa_cli shows it as: LT-Test-\xc5\xc5&#1024;
> (on my laptop it's LT-Test-__&#1024;)
> (consequently, only nm-applet comes closest to showing it: 
> LT-Test-ÅÅ&#1024;)

So ConnMan is quite close. Those <?> were supposed to turn up as UTF
replacement character boxes. Apparently nm-applet just guesses, this
time correctly. And everybody gets É wrong, so not all parts of the SSID
is correctly configurable to the AP.

Are you watching ConnMan's SSID from the terminal? What does
'printenv | egrep "LC_|LANG"' show as locale settings?

Can you check with Wireshark/Kismet what the SSID actually looks like on
the wire?



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