On 9 September 2014 12:33, Patrik Flykt <patrik.fl...@linux.intel.com>

>         Hi,
> On Tue, 2014-09-09 at 11:33 +0200, Frederik Lotter wrote:
> > Hi guys,
> >
> > I posted for some assistance on the IRC channel. I did not see any reply.
> > Could anyone kindly have a look at my issue have give me a pointers if
> > possible?
> Sorry, must have been off the channel when you posted. We're mostly
> available during daytime GMT+0 to GMT+2.
> > I am using RTL8188CUS chip. I took a working driver from Raspberry Pi
> > kernel and patched it into our 3.14 kernel. The WIFI works fine. I know
> > this chip supports tethering using (custom built) hostapd as I have used
> in
> > on the PI before. Now I am trying to use connman. I had to add kernel
> > CONFIG_BRIDGE however, I still get a NOT SUPPORTED dbus error suggesting
> > the driver/interface does not support this feature.
> >
> > What other dependancies exist ? Do I need a special wpa_supplicant?
> Latest and greatest wpa_supplicant should do just fine. wpa_supplicant
> 1.x does also work, but not as well.
> The README says that the kernel needs CONFIG_BRIDGE and
> CONFIG_IP_NF_TARGET_MASQUERADE, and wpa_supplicant must be compiled with
> Run ConnMan with 'connmand -n -d src/tethering.c,src/bridge.c' and see
> what errors it might print out.
> > Apart from the RTL8192 driver (used for RTL8188CUS) I have not changed
> any
> > other userspace components I used the "enable-tethering" script to test
> it.
> Here you can also use 'connmanctl tether <technology> on' as it does not
> require python on the device. connmanctl only adds a dependency to
> readline in addition to the connman ones.
> > I am using connman 1.20.
> That's somewhat old. In 1.23 there were a few fixes to tethering, but
> they are not related to enabling tethering. I'd recommend to upgrade if
> possible, all later releases have fixed quite a few issues that will
> bite your system at some later point.
> HTH,
>         Patrik
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Thank you so much for the quick reply. Your suggestions sound very useful.
I will try and report back asap.

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