On 01/13/2015 06:53 PM, Mike Purvis wrote:
When I set up connman 1.27 to connect to an AP and then restart my machine,
it seems to reconnect okay on startup (most of the time).

However, when I set it to create an AP (tether) and restart my machine, it
comes up with the wifi idle.

Is there a way to have it resume the tethering activity on reboot, or do I
need to activate that externally? Obvious choices would be running a
connmanctl invocation from rc.local, or running a separate "manager"
process which talks to connmand over dbus and starts it up.

Just came across this myself. It is a configurable option in /etc/connman/main.conf.

PersistentTetheringMode = true

See <https://git.kernel.org/cgit/network/connman/connman.git/tree/src/main.conf> (at the very end).

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