On Wed, 2015-01-07 at 14:43 +0200, pasi.sjoh...@jolla.com wrote:
> From: Pasi Sjöholm <pasi.sjoh...@jollamobile.com>
> It is possible that IPv6.Settings-properties does not include
> ip-address, gateway or nameservers when the context is made active.
> This is due underlying ofono-driver/ril sending the assigned ipv4-addresses
> first and then the assigned ipv6-addresses (within 3 secs).
> This happens especially only with dual/ipv4v6-protocol. To be able
> to reconfigure the addresses later we set the method either AUTO
> or DHCP.

oFono ConnectionContext does not have a 'Method' property specified in
the IPv6.Settings dict and it is also specified in RFC 6459 that IPv6
uses autoconfiguration. Therefore I rather make
CONNMAN_IPCONFIG_METHOD_AUTO mandatory with patch "ofono: IPv6 contexts
use stateless autoconfiguration and/or DHCPv6" and go forward with that

Was it the IPv6 only context that broke after this?



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