Hello All,

Call to MoveBefore/MoveAfter is not changing the default gateway where service 
moved to top is in ready state.

Point I want to highlight is the outcome of moveBefore/moveAfter (outcome of 
step 5):

1.       Wifi is not becoming default gateway
2.       Drop in connection status from 'online' to 'ready' for ethernet

Note:  Updated preferred technology list
PreferredTechnologies = wifi,ethernet,Bluetooth

Please let me know if this is expected output?

Here is the test:

1.connected wifi datausage off(ready mode)

root@imx6x-std:~# connmanctl services
List of all services:
*AR XT1033 8153          { 
wifi_001cc1a25dff_5854313033332038313533_managed_none }

2.USB connected with datausage off(ready mode)

root@imx6x-std:~# connmanctl services
List of all services:
*AR Wired                { ethernet_aabbccddeeff_cable }
*AR XT1033 8153    { wifi_001cc1a25dff_5854313033332038313533_managed_none }

3.call MoveBefore to take wifi to top

dbus-send --system --type=method_call --print-reply --dest=net.connman 

root@imx6x-std:~# connmanctl services
List of all services:
*AR Wired                { ethernet_aabbccddeeff_cable }
*AR XT1033 8153    { wifi_001cc1a25dff_5854313033332038313533_managed_none }

4.disconnect  USB and connect it again (data usage on)

root@imx6x-std:~# connmanctl services
List of all services:
*AO Wired                { ethernet_aabbccddeeff_cable }
*AR XT1033 8153    { wifi_001cc1a25dff_5854313033332038313533_managed_none }

5.call MoveAfter to take wifi to top
dbus-send --system --type=method_call --print-reply --dest=net.connman 
/net/connman/service/ethernet_aabbccddeeff_cable net.connman.Service.MoveAfter 

root@imx6x-std:~# connmanctl services
List of all services:
*AR Wired                { ethernet_aabbccddeeff_cable }
*AR XT1033 8153    { wifi_001cc1a25dff_5854313033332038313533_managed_none }

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