On Wed, 2015-06-10 at 11:38 +0000, Lamsoge, Abhijit wrote:
> I am not sure, but I think, its like wlan0 may go to be STA and wlan1
> will go to be AP, depending on what order you do it. I did not see any
> provision in connman to do so.

Not quite. ConnMan will try to enable WiFi AP on the first WiFi device
that has set AP capabilities. Here "first" means whatever device is
first in an internal list, i.e. the interface/device that got enumerated
first by the kernel. If AP enabling fails, the device enumerated next
will be tried.

> Check the readme file for favoured networks, may be something can be
> done in configuration file.

Nope. PreferredTechnologies only affect services.



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