Hi Ram,

On to, 2015-07-16 at 08:24 +0000, Kallumari Nagaraja Rao, RammohanX
> All,
> Following things are done,
> 1.    /var/lib/connman cellular added

What do you mean by this?

> 2.    /etc/connman/main.conf has wifi and cellular as preferred technologies

PreferredTechnologies only affects how ConnMan does autoconnect.

> 3.    connmand is running

I assume you have ofono plugin compiled and used by ConnMan? Are you
using Yocto based distro or have you compiled ConnMan yourself?

> 4.    ofonod running
> 5.    cellular context was created after enabling the he910 modem

So ofono shows the cellular context correctly if you invoke
list-contexts script from ofono, is it so?
Do you have APN and PIN correctly setup?

> 6.    ifconfig list ppp0

What does the above command show?

> however, connmanctl does not list the cellular technology.

So the cellular technology is not shown which indicates that ConnMan
does not know anything about the modem. If the cellular service is not
shown (but technology is), then the cellular context is not properly

What ConnMan version are you using?

> After doing ifconfig, ppp0 does not have inet addr listed.
> Please let me know if there is something missing.
> Regards,
> Ram.


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