
On Thu, 2015-08-27 at 15:43 +0000, Adam Moore wrote:

> I¹m using 1.29.  After looking at these commits I believe I¹m seeing
> another corner case.  If I enter a wrong passphrase, and instead of
> invalid-key, I get connect-failed (due to association problem,
> interference, etc), the passphrase isn¹t cleared.

The code now follows the actual service error, so if the error is set to
invalid-key, the passphrase will be asked on the next connect. If the
error reported is connect-failed, ConnMan will put the service as
"ignored" and not autoconnect to it until the service is purged and
re-created by wpa_supplicant. The passphrase is actually not cleared and
set to NULL in order not to remove a working setup when encountering an
identically named AP with the same security settings somewhere else;
instead the invalid-key error status now does the same job.

So on a connect-failed ConnMan is expected not to autoconnect. What
should work is a manual connection attempt to that network. In your
case, will the subsequent connection attempts always end in
connect-failed? The first invalid-key error received should cause
ConnMan to ask for a passphrase next time a Connect() is requested
either as a user action or as a retry from the Agent. Do you ever get
anything else than connect error from wpa_supplicant?

> To simulate a difficult RF environment, I changed network.c line 1323 to
> call set_connect_error instead of set_invalid_key_error.  After attempting
> a connection with a bad passphrase, I was unable to try again even with a
> good passphrase.

This will not trigger ConnMan to ask for a passphrase, as the error
always is due to the connection being bad, not the passphrase being



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