Thank you for including these on the consdistlist. Here are the upcoming online professional development opportunities at Museum Study for November.

Social Relevance: Environmental Sustainability in Museums course begins Nov 6 on The public discussion of the environment and climate change is an important opportunity for museums to connect more deeply with their communities. It is also an opportunity to protect and strengthen their institutions. Join Instructor Sarah Sutton author of Environmental Sustainability at Historic Sites and Museums, The Green Nonprofit and Co-author of The Green Museum for this course which will be a survey of the practical aspects of interpretation and public programming, operational changes, building construction, and community engagement in service to the message of how changes in our museum work can deepen museums’ connections to their communities and increase museums’ charitable value. For more information visit our website:

Interpretive Writing online course begins November 6 on
Join Professor John Veverka for the course Interpretive Writing. This 4 week online course, part of our series of interpretation courses, is a basic interpretive writing course designed to be a follow-up course for our Introduction to Heritage Interpretation course, and our other interpretation courses.  It will give participants an understanding of and skill in development of actual "interpretive" writing based on Tilden's Interpretive Principles. For more information visit our website:

Integrated Pest Management: The Plan and Implementation online course begins Nov 6 on A written plan formalizes the IPM strategy and keeps management abreast of your status. It organizes your ideas and lays the groundwork for the needs of the collection and the building(s). It provides the direction in which you want to take the program, including grant funding and accreditation. Join Carnegie Museum of Natural History Conservator Gretchen Anderson for this four week online course in which participants will learn how to apply IPM principles to their specific situation and institution. A draft plan and specific implementation strategies will be developed and discussed. Even though our institutions have different challenges the exchange of ideas presents the opportunity for us to help each other brainstorm solutions that will work for our situation. For more information visit our website:

Care & Management for Archives and Works on Paper course begins Nov 6 on Best practices, including practical policies and procedures are key to good archives management and care. Join instructor Susan Duhl a Paper Conservator and Archive Management consultant for this 4 week course that will introduce basic professional standards and procedures for archives collection management and recognize the roles of archivists and conservators in the care of archives collections. This course is a good follow on to the Basics of Archives course. For more information visit our website:

Brad Bredehoft
Museum Study, LLC
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