​To my colleagues -

I am currently writing my dissertation on period room displays, in fulfilment 
of a Master in Arts in Preventive Conservation from Northumbria University, UK. 
 Literature on the topic tends to focus on the Curatorial and Educational 
importance (or drawbacks) of the period room, rather than the Conservation 
implications involved. My goal is to focus on the methods of preservation 
employed, including when and how certain measures may take place, specifically 
for rooms that have been removed from their original setting and installed in 
an American museum. In order to ensure thorough research and investigation into 
the methods of conservation and preventive care used in these rooms, I have 
developed a survey which I am circulating to American institutions (historic 
houses and open-air museums count as well as the traditional arts and/or 
decorative arts museum).

If you work in an institution with one, or multiple, rooms in your collection, 
your participation would be much appreciated. The survey itself should only 
take 15-20 minutes (though there is also an option to save and continue later), 
and focuses on topics as varied as lighting, textile reproduction, and visitor 

The survey can be found here: 

My immense thanks for your consideration.

Brandi Pomfret


Owner, Collections and Exhibitions Manager

Echelon Arts Management

London, UK and NYC, USA

+44 (0)79 44529179


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