*MSc in Cultural Heritage Materials and Technologies (CultTech)*

CultTech is a collaboration between the Dept. of History, Archaeology &
Cultural Resources Management (University of the Peloponnese), the National
Center for Scientific Research "Demokritos" and the National Observatory of

Language: English.

Location: Kalamata, Greece.

Semester 1: Landscape Archaeology, Materials & Works of Art; Archaeometry:
Non Destructive & Innovative Methodologies; Laboratory Practices
(laboratory & portable)

Semester 2: Cultural Heritage Management & Information Communication
Technologies; Environmental & Remote Studies; Field Prospection & Computing
Technologies & Practices (GIS, Statistical Analysis, Computing Aided

Semester 3: diploma dissertation

Educational visits: National Center for Scientific Research Demokritos;
National Observatory of Athens; field trips around the Peloponnese;
Navarino Environmental Observatory.

Applications: http://culttech.uop.gr/how-to-apply.html until September 15,
2019. Students from the fields of archaeology, cultural heritage
management, conservation, materials science and engineering are welcome to

More information: http://culttech.uop.gr/ and
https://www.facebook.com/CultTech/ or contact us at cultt...@uop.gr and

Evangelia Kyriazi, MSc
Conservator of Stone, Fossils, Antiquities & Works of Art,
PhD Researcher, University of Peloponnese

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