
I have checked out Continuum code and it looks great. 
Good luck for your 1.0 release.  I look forward to it.

A few thoughts for future direction:  it would be
quite easy to convert the continuum site it to a
portlet.  It is all velocity based and a portal engine
like Jetspeed 2 fully supports velocity. 
Additionally, you may be interested in checking out
Jetspeed 2 security module which provides both
management APIs and JAAS authorization and
authentication.  The security component is a spring
based so that may save you some work there if you
planned to integrate security with your application


David Le Strat.

--- Brett Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thanks for the offer David. We've got a bit of an
> investment in the
> current framework, but we are actively discussing
> options, and are
> definitely interested in looking into making it work
> more ike a portal.
> I think we'd defer until after Continuum 1.0 to make
> this sort of change
> if at all, but we'll certainly discuss it here.
> Cheers,
> Brett
> David Le Strat wrote:
> >Brett,
> >
> >Just curious.  Have you considered leveraging a
> >portal/portlet framework at all for Continuum's web
> >site?  It seems to me that a lot of things around
> >security, report entitlement, plus customizability
> >would be provided out of the box.  If you guys are
> >interested, check out the portals project.  There
> may
> >even be people willing to help out including
> myself.
> >
> >Regards,
> >
> >David Le Strat.
> >
> >  
> >

David Le Strat
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