Hi again,

On 2/1/06, Emmanuel Venisse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > I'm not sure I quite understand your question. But let me explain what
> > I'd like to do. We have 100+ projects in our development environment
> > and occasionally we add new projects and change the dependencies
> > between existing projects. We also change the developer list for the
> > projects. Obviously I'd like the definitions in Continuum to stay in
> > sync without having to enter and verify that manually.
> I have my answer ;-)
> You'll can do it by xmlrpc client api.

Thinking a little bit more about this I still have some questions.

I assume that the idea would be to use the XML-RPC API to propagate
any changes I make to the project definitions in the development
environment to Continuum.

The best way I can think of to get that right every time would be to
add a commit trigger to the version management system which would
remind the user to update the Continuum definitions every time a
project definition file is committed. Although even with that solution
the definitions will at best just be out of sync for a short period of
time, which with bad luck would cause the build to fail for that

How does this work with Maven projects? Will Continuum automatically
update its project definitions when it detects a change to the POM? If
that is the case I'd much prefer to be able to add custom project
types to Continuum which would let me achieve the same effect. Does
this sound reasonable or is this out of scope for the Continuum



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