On 28 Jun 06, at 10:52 AM 28 Jun 06, Emmanuel Venisse wrote:

Jason van Zyl a écrit :
On 27 Jun 06, at 10:04 PM 27 Jun 06, Emmanuel Venisse wrote:

I started to define the roadmap of continuum 1.1. It will be done normally tomorrow.
Are we deciding that these are the things are going to be in 1.1 and take as long as we need? I would prefer that myself. Looking below there I think that's a good list.

I'd prefer too, but depends of the time we spend on each items. If we need lot of time on each items, perhaps we'll do an intermediate release.

I assume for this we are going to release a series of alphas? How about for each major feature implemented we release an alpha?

The major first things to do in this roadmap are:

- Reimplementation of authentication/authorization management (CONTINUUM-542 and CONTINUUM-513): this will be done by carlos with acegi. Carlos will integrate acegi with plexus. This part must secure all requests in continuum and not only don't show some part of the interface.

If a plexus component is made to integrate Acegi that's cool. As long as Continuum itself has an abstraction for security and Acegi is not coupled directly to Continuum that's fine.

Normally, they won't be coupled. Carlos, can you add more informations?

If the work is done in a branch we can just comment as the work commences. I'm sure I won't find the time but I would still like to try SASS which Patrick has been working on if I can.

- Remove JDO (at least jpox) because it the source of lot of our issues

- implementation of continuum profiles and installation screens (CONTINUUM-44,CONTINUUM-59)

- integration of GBuild (CONTINUUM-563)

- implementation of project groups (CONTINUUM-30, CONTINUUM-289,CONTINUUM-290, CONTINUUM-291, CONTINUUM-292)

Other important things I'd want to see in it:

- customization of the add project feature. In this part, I think to add a multi-project as a multiple projects or as a single project, scm connection string to use, add with a scm url, add all modules by a scm connection instead of an url contruction based on project url provided in the add screen

- build on dependencies changes

- add a tests result summary in build results

I'll add missing issues in jira tomorrow when I'll continue the roadmap.

Cool, thanks Emmanuel.

Jason van Zyl

Jason van Zyl

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