I've updated the wiki with my latest thoughts.

I suggest this reading
http://acegisecurity.org/docbook/acegi.html#domain-acls which explains
how to add instance based security with ACLs. It's a good option and
allows fine grained permissions for user, project and type of

On 7/11/06, Jesse McConnell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
well, here are my thoughts on the matter summed up after some
subsequent discussion on this between joakim, carlos and myself:

If continuum is to scale up to multiple projects, say continuum
building in the same instance along side maven and the maven
repository manager then we are going to need a simple fine grained
security mechanism that isn't clunky to use.

the perhaps ill chosen 'unholy marriage of security strategies' phrase
above basically refers to the current implementation of groups and
roles.  We have role based security for all of the different types
functionalities, and then it has been kicked around to have group
based access to different projects...and these groups are made up of
sets of roles.  Perhaps there was some misunderstanding  on the
specifics but at least my thoughts on the matter are that we are best
served with a straight forward role based security model where access
to special views and the ability to perform certain actions are
governed by individual roles on a per project basis.

ie, if there is a role for 'FORCE_BUILDS' then there ought to be one
of these roles for each project in continuum, in the above example we
'MRM_FORCE_BUILD'.  Each user would have the ability to be assigned
these roles and would then have that access for each of the particular

If we have this simple role based approach then all of the security
checks, which as joakim mentioned are the vast majority of usage for
the security', are very simple role checks.  It becomes then a matter
of figuring out the best way to manage these roles and there are lots
of different examples of that out in the wild, be they the ability to
make profiles of roles that can be applied to users, to long lists of
checkboxes (not so fun).  Joakim had mentioned that the roles would
likely be dynamic based on the projects as they were added in and that
we could put in some simple dynamic filters or profiles that would
initialize the project and a user with the necessary settings and then
further access could be pushed out from there..

I talked to trygve about this a bit and he mentioned that jason has
put some rbac (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RBAC) code into plexus
sometime ago...and that is ultimately where any of this needs to end
up so that other projects can have immediate access to the different
security mechanisms.

carlos, joakim...I miss anything in this?

I could give you my word as a Spaniard.
No good. I've known too many Spaniards.
                            -- The Princess Bride

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