My PoC-extension to Continuum is nearly finished, but I have come across a couple of weird problems:

The state icon (success, error, etc.) on the frontpage (Summary.vm) does not correspond to the state logged and the state shown in the detailed view (ProjectBuild.vm). I.e., error is displayed while the build is successful.

Anyone care to guess how I have accomplished that?

Is the following log message related?

2007-04-11 14:15:07,639 [SocketListener0-0] ERROR VelocityComponent - RHS of #set statement is null. Context will not be modified. screens/ProjectBuild.vm [line 103, column 3]

This odd behaviour is only true for my original projects, not the derived projects.

projectsList = getProjectsInBuildOrder(); (DefaultContinuum.java)
which calls getAllProjectsByNameWithDependencies()
only returns original projects, not derived projects, causing the "Build all" button to only build original projects.

("Build Now" on each derived project works fine.)

I'm unsure if it is related, but all derived projects have the same projectGroup as the original project.

(And I have verified that all projects are successfully persisted.)

Kindly regards
Erik Drolshammer

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