Cool. Do not forget to add something in the release note regarding the
UTF-8 problem with Mysql.


On 7/25/07, Emmanuel Venisse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The vote has passed with
   4 binding +1's from PMC members: Jesse, Wendy, Trygve, me
   2 non-binding +1's from committers: Deng, Stephane

I started to deployed all things and I'll send an announcement when all will be 
ready for users.



Emmanuel Venisse a écrit :
> Hi,
> I'd like to do a release of the 1.1-beta-1
> This version is very stable and usable in production.
> Highlights are:
>  - Continuum Profiles definition linked to build definitions.
>  - multi-builddefinitions on a project
> Release notes:
> I have staged it in this repo:
> This repo include too the continuum plugin and th xml-rpc client API
> Standalone version:
> Webapp version:
> The site will be updated in the next beta, only the download page will
> be updated for this version.
> My +1
> Emmanuel

Large Systems Suck: This rule is 100% transitive. If you build one,
you suck" -- S.Yegge

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