If possible, I'd like to see more votes for this release from committers/PMC



Emmanuel Venisse a écrit :

Continuum 1.1-beta-4 is ready for release

The highlights are
 - lot of bug fixes
 - A new page to view the build queue
 - Customization of mail subject

The Release Notes is available there: http://jira.codehaus.org/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?reset=true&pid=10540&fixfor=13727

The binaries are available there:
- Runtime: http://people.apache.org/builds/maven/continuum/1.1-beta-4/org/apache/maven/continuum/continuum-plexus-runtime/1.1-beta-4/continuum-plexus-runtime-1.1-beta-4-bin.tar.gz - Webapp: http://people.apache.org/builds/maven/continuum/1.1-beta-4/org/apache/maven/continuum/continuum-webapp/1.1-beta-4/continuum-webapp-1.1-beta-4.war - data management cli: http://people.apache.org/builds/maven/continuum/1.1-beta-4/org/apache/maven/continuum/data-management-cli/1.1-beta-4/data-management-cli-1.1-beta-4-app.jar

Everyone is encouraged to vote and give their feedback.

[ ]  +1  Release it!
[ ]   0
[ ]  -1  Don't release it, because...

The vote will be open for 72 hours. So, cast your votes now ;-)

Here's my +1


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