Brett Porter a écrit :

I'm anticipating this could be a common question after 1.1 is released - was there a decision made about whether the data converter should support importing from 1.0.3 projects?

No decision for the moment.

I know this was something I was going to implement that I never quite got around to after finishing the bits to convert from other 1.1 alphas - but if the data management is working ok now then it might be a good alternative.

We have always some issues with data management. I'm looking at a XML-RPC client to Backup/Restore all datas that would be more robust than the data management anxd won't use lot of memory because it won't load all data from the db in one JDO request.

About 1.0.3 migration, I'm not sure we can do it correctly, because we have lot 
of changes in the db and with a migration some data won't be set, but maybe 
it's possible.


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