Hi all,

I've seen in the archives some posts about Ant and M1 build failures not being propagated back properly. However, I am noticing the same thing under M2. I intentionally put in a compile error: Compiling 35 source files to C:\continuum-1.0.1\apps\continuum \working-directory\1\target\classes [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----
[INFO] Compilation failure

C:\continuum-1.0.1\apps\continuum\working-directory\1\src\main\java \com\ergito\search\SimpleTermHighlighter.java:[22,20] cannot find symbol
symbol  : variable sSuffix
location: class com.ergito.search.SimpleTermHighlighter

how ever my builds are considered successes:
2005-12-02 08:14:22,035 [Thread-1] WARN ContinuumBuildExecutor:maven2 - Execut
able 'c:\maven-2.0\bin\mvn'.
2005-12-02 08:14:22,035 [Thread-1] INFO ContinuumBuildExecutor:maven2 - Argume
nts: --batch-mode --non-recursive clean install
2005-12-02 08:14:22,035 [Thread-1] INFO ContinuumBuildExecutor:maven2 - Workin g directory: C:\continuum-1.0.1\bin\..\apps\continuum\working- directory\1 2005-12-02 08:14:35,629 [Thread-1] INFO ContinuumBuildExecutor:maven2 - Exit c
ode: 0
2005-12-02 08:14:35,848 [Thread-1] INFO Notifier:mail - Curren
t build state: 2, previous build state: 2

In the FAQ Entry: How does Continuum detect a successful build?
It refers to maven or ant, but I'm not sure if that means "maven1 and maven2". Also, the line about adding something to the beginning of run.bat:
You must add too, at the begin of $CONTINUUM/bin/win32/run.bat, the following lines if you run Continuum from command line :
seems to suggest you should use the wrapper run.bat versus the plexus.bat method?

Lastly, adding set.MAVEN_TERMINATE_CMD=0n to the wrapper.conf seems like to should come that way?


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