there are 2 possible ways that a schedule does not get invoked that I know

   1. No changes in your SCM, at scheduled time continuum wakes up
       and performs scm:update if there is no new changes in SCM,
       the build is skipped.  Check continuum's log


       You may need to fetch contiuum 1.0.2 source and apply the patch your
       rather when waiting for new release.


On 12/30/05, Ryan Wynn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just started using continuum today to build my maven2 projects.  My
> environment is AIX and I started continuum using  I added 2
> projects and now have them successfully building/deploying from the
> web interface.  Two questions.
> (1) how do I stop continuum? I noticed that there are
> start,stop,status,etc args under bin/env/ for each of the
> supported environments (eg linux), but I did not see anything like
> this for  Am I even correct in using plexus for AIX?
> (2) how do I enable the quartz based scheduling.  I added the
> following cron settings to DEFAULT_SCHEDULE and did not see my
> projects being build on the hour
> 0 0 * * * ?
> the schedule IS enabled in the web console and each of my projects are
> very nice tool by the way.

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