I agree.  When I first though about using Continuum over CruiseControl I
read the statement that Continuums integrates well with the maven
architecture.  A strong feature of Maven is the site generation, yet in
Continuum there is no way to see the site.  Moreover the default
Continuum build ('clean install') does not build the site.

Even if you add 'site' as a build goal and then navigate to the Working
Copy then to the target/site directory you cannot open the HTML files in
continuum.  Continuum lists the html as text.

Two things Continuum needs

1.  Schedule builds based on scm commit activity (rather than fixed
scedules).  CruiseControl has ability to launch builds soon after files
are commited to a repository and also has nice reporting facilities to
see the scm activity.  (This feature is on future features list for
Continuum, I just want to put my vote in).

2. Provide support for Continuum to build and view the module site.

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Jettro Coenradie
Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2006 6:31 AM
To: continuum-users@maven.apache.org
Subject: looking at the maven site via continuum

Hi all,
I have another question. Is it possible to present the site generated by
maven next to the build? It would be nice to be able to check the site
the continuum website.

greetz Jettro

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