Hi Mang,

You can't add a project with modules by upload, you need to provide an URL.

Moreover, your directory structure won't work, at least for the moment. [2]
You need to stick to the standard layout :
|-- moduleA
|-- moduleB
|-- moduleC
`-- moduleD


[2] http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-2006

- Yann

2006/2/23, Mang Jun Lau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
> I have a multi-module project with one parent pom.  In my parent pom I
> have something like this:
> <modules>
>     <module>../moduleA</module>
>     <module>../moduleB</module>
>     <module>../moduleC</module>
>     <module>../moduleD</module>
> </modules>
> In Continuum, I took off the -N parameter in the parent project so that it
> can build recursively from the parent, just like command line Maven 2.  I
> don't want the projects built individually.  I did a "Build Now" on the
> parent project and I got the following error:
> [INFO]
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] Error building POM (may not be this project's POM).
> Project ID: unknown
> Reason: Could not find the model file
> 'C:\testapps\221\..\moduleA\pom.xml'.
> This is obviously because in my parent POM I've specified the module name
> but Continuum needs to find the pom referenced by the project ID number
> that gets assigned.  So how do you get around this issue?  How do you
> specify the modules properly in the parent POM so that Continuum can find
> it?
> For those who have gotten a recursive build to work, could I please know
> what your parent pom looks like and what the directory structure is?
> Thanks.
> _Mang

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